Looking back, I recall several encounters which only now after watching National Geographic and Discovery Channels I have accepted as life threatening.
While Trekking in the forested trail in Batanes, green thin long snake landed at the backpack of the lead a few meters in front of me. Fortunately it drifted away swiftly and I kept on walking quietly.

In the 80’s when Pico de Loro was still not that popular as Mt. Maculot, I joined a PALMC group for an overnight climb. We camped at the slopes accessible to the staging point of the peak. That night, I was awakened by a hissing sound which turned out to be snakes outside the tent. I kept still, thinking it would go away in a while to which they did. I never discussed it the following day but got a validation that snakes do abound in the slopes.

Man vs. Man. There was a potential threat to life not by nature but with guns and ideology. Our climb to Mt. Natib was timed with the ASEAN meet at Subic Bay where Heads of States including US President Bill Clinbton would attend. Apparently, there was a military clean up at the Bataan mountain noted as a lair of friendly forces. In a ridge, we were unexpectedly entrapped by rebels. We were given a quick lecture on their cause and eventually released safe and sound. We continued with our socials that night as if nothing happened. A similar incident happened while we were about to climb Mt. Tapulao the 2nd time around. Our ascent was deferred for several hours pending clearance from the Barangay as allegedly there was an ongoing operations in the area. There is wisdom this time around for prevention.
When we were just starting, we were hot on unexplored expeditions relying only on topical maps for destinations. An attractive target for us was Mt. Silangan in Bataan known for waterfalls and sharp drops. Novice as we were, our group, composed of young climbers got lost in place which could be a potential habitat of unknown forces. Relying on our instincts, we were eventually led to a ledge which was one of the most awesome sites we have ever discovered.
A similar situation is a solo climb in Caliraya to meet up friends at the waterfalls which is only less than 20 minutes away from the Japanese garden. By stroke of luck, I ended up circling around the area from early afternoon to sunrise going nowhere with no one to ask directions from. I eventually found the asphalted road the next morning but missed the company of friends. What could explain this? Folklore they say just like what lost trekkers experience in Banahaw and San Cristobal.

The worst is surviving socials in a company of heavy drinkers and senior climbers especially with people one is not comfortable with. But with the passing of the night, fellow climbers tone down too.

Indeed now, I wonder how I managed. I believe that while there are forces that threaten, there too are strong and good forces that protect. I am thankful that I overcame them because I have been guarded. Be careful. Happy Thanksgiving.