The clamor for a special climb for associates affiliated with a personal leadership group PSI finally pushed through this 3 March. It has been about 2 decades since members of the group climbed together. Based on my recollection, the last one was in Mt. Pulag in the nineties.
The inertia to jumpstart this activity was quite a challenge despite the advance notices provided by Nolan and Nelson, the group patch created by Claude, birthday/reunion bash hosted by Joy D.A. and the postings in the social media network then an unfamiliar medium the Facebook.

In the company of Nolan, Nelson and Ann, Joy B and daughter Victoria, we met up with couples Joy D.A. and Kerry in a remote barangay in San Miguel Bulacan. We were given an orientation on farming, planting and harvesting amidst a plantation of a special variety of melon, hybrid high yielding rice, duo bearing Japanese corn and chili immediately after a hosted lunch.
Early in the afternoon, we were transported to Barangay Sibul, a good 30 minute ride from the farm to the jump-off of Madlum Cave and Mt. Manalmon.

More than the completion, this day activity offered a lot more to me. Man’s needs for food, shelter and fulfillment stem from nature. Renewing interest with the soil and natural wonder yields pleasure far greater than one would rationalize provided there has been deep seated relationship planted in the past. We merely came back that weekend.