Koleksyon ng mga sinulat. Filing cabinet ng mga articles, mga akyat, social observations, happenings at kung ano ano pa. Observing and documenting what a curious mind sees and processes. Tuloy lang po.
The ihawan was created transforming the water tank roofed enclosure to a storage room.
While being constructed, the idea of enhancing it to be a livable quarter was seeded. A wash basin was added. Eventually a small functional comfort room was annexed to it. Unused wood-based furniture was sourced. Electrical devices were installed including an audio system. It functioned as a mancave, an isolated place for introverts to pull away from the doldrums, routinely tasks. The place, with its proximity to a QC workplace was conveniently a venue for grilling, ihawan, inuman, kwentuhan post five thirsty to past midnight. As the sessions were held more frequently, with new recruits welcomed to the roster of enthusiastic guests, many unsolicited ideas were toyed around to spruce up the place. Professional expertise was offered without of course the fees. DIY practitioners looking for venue to tamper, artists working on multimedia without a workstation, frustrated chefs in search of willing patrons offered their functional expertise as a outlet for their skills.
Without spending an arm and a leg, the ihawan was slowly transformed to a "bakal-bote" themed hub where the hundreds of wine bottles accumulated through the years served as the motif. Each bottle of wine with the unique memories attached to it was given focus either on the ground or in the air.
The sound from the chimes ring in good vibes to the place. The sight of stacked bottles reminds the returning guests on the number of sessions they attended to vent out grievances, celebrate success or simply to listen in a quiet isolated space.
Nothing fancy about it, just a roofed private open space. It is not even well maintained, far from spic and span. It is the company the defines the spirit of the place; this is the space where young professionals have discovered what they have done, dream of where they can be, design their destinies; where regulars simply show up to unwind. Music, food and drinks make them stay until past midnight.
As guests leave, their happy memories are stored in a bottle, sealed for retrieval when the need calls for it.
8 May 2011. I wrote about the beatification of John Paul II. Roads led me to Rome I can relate to the famous quote by the English Poet John Heywood that “Rome was not built in one day.” It took decades for me see the city in Italy. Thanks to the beatification rite of Pope John Paul II this 1 May 2011, it was this force that drew me to the city where over 1 million pilgrims were at the St. Peter square at the Vatican. Literally I saw “all roads led to Rome.” Influx to the smallest nation of the world started as early as Saturday morning 30 April or perhaps earlier. Edgar Allan Poe, an American author citing the decline of the city wrote centuries ago, “The glory that was Greece, the grandeur that was Rome.” With what I have seen, to me, it is “the grandeur that is Rome.” It is history made alive. Assignment led me to the island of Masbate
July 2019, 8 years after, now a saint, I was on the same plane by chance as the holy relic of St. John Paul II and the National Youth Cross brought to the Diocese of Masbate in a nationwide pilgrimage by the Philippine Catholic Youth Ministry. Through this pilgrimage, it enjoins the faithful to open their hearts through these symbols of faith. In my short stay for the assignment, I perceived to have received graces, met associates advancing my interests, productively completed my task, housed safely and comfortably even with the impending typhoon that hit the country. Even my offloaded baggage which was chosen at random on the return trip to Manila to reduce the weight for the CebGo propeller plane to safely maneuver the takeoff while encountering habagat winds was delivered door to door on the day of my arrival.
O Blessed Trinity, we thank You for having graced the Church with Pope John Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of Your Fatherly care, the glory of the cross of Christ, and the splendor of the Holy Spirit, to Shine through him. Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with You. Grant us, by his intercession, and according to Your will, the graces we implore ..., hoping that he will soon be numbered among Your saints. Amen.