Last summer this year, I had the chance to work on recruitment from the top 150 graduates of 3 engineering universities in GMA, UP, Ateneo, La Salle and Mapua. A simulation was designed by the company head which can draw out critical thinking, ability and leadership in a group exercise in just an hour with fellow graduates grouped at random.
Having been out of touch with the youth segment for decades, I was impressed with the showing of the participants which can surpass the standards of even the most seasoned professional practitioners. It showed from their methodology the training and discipline they received at the academe, their skill to problem solve, work together as a team, and formulate a workable solution within the give time.

Through an intense and consistently highly energized actors' performance and dynamic staging, Rizal X conveyed the message which I interpret as "Aspire and dream regardless of the obstacle. You the youth are better prepared to grasp that dream without compromising."
The 2011 top graduates and production cast and crew of Dulaang UP modeled that doability to us. In these challenging times these experiences bring a whist of fresh air, hope and a reminder to strive excellence in every way every day. This is the mindset that will leapfrog us to the next level which Rizal pictured to us a century and a half ago.
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