Sunday, March 28, 2021

Closure, dreams and demons

As we approach Easter Sunday, a message that resonates with me is the brokenness of man; brokenness is manifested in our imperfection. Thus each one of has a demon inside of us.

Leonardo de Carpio as Dom Cobb in the movie Inception faces his demons projected in the father and son relationship of the dying tycoon Mr. Fischer and his only son. Through dreams, altered states were simulated to bring them back to those moments to correct for a proper closure.
Artist Imagine Dragon interpreted the demons in us in the song Demon covered by several artists. Struggling with "Demons" inside the angst is expressed in this line "When you feel the heat, just look into my eyes. It's where the demons hide. Don't get too close, it's dark inside"
Among my favorites are Sam Tsui and Max Schneiders’
and Jang Hanbyul’s versions
What demons do we face and how do we handle them. The message of Easter Sunday has the answer.
Sunday, April 01, 2018
Easter Faith reinforces lnequalities
Christ rising from the dead is God's fulfillment of the promise of redemption. It is a joyous moment for man as the symbol of Christ on the cross leads us to discover His redeeming love. The linen cloth in an empty tomb gives us hope amidst the hollowness.
Our brokenness can be made whole again. When we are down, in pain and in despair, our faith reinforces the inequalities made possible by Easter that "True is greater than False, Light greater than Dark and Love greater than Death.
-Paraphased from the 2018 Holy Week messages of Fr. Jett Villarin

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